Monday, January 13, 2014

Keep Breathing

Do you ever wonder if you have what it takes? This is a question that men wrestle with sometimes. Do you ever get overwhelmed with, well let’s just say – LIFE? Do you ever feel isolated, lonely, or inadequate? When you feel this way I want you to BREATH.

Moses evidently felt this way in his encounter with God recorded in Exodus 3. He experiences the burning bush, encounters the living God, and all this in the middle of nowhere while taking care of wandering sheep. At this point in his life if you could “Google” his name it would reveal who he was – murderer, deserter, wanted, and unfound. God saw a different image of the man.

He called Moses to a task that was a bit overwhelming. God allowed him to ask two questions. “But Moses said to God, Who am I{?}” This question is one of internals. Do I have enough? Can I do this? God answers him in reassurance by affirming “I will certainly be with you.” Breath Moses, Breath!

Still uncertain Moses asks the second question. It rolls out something like this – Who are you?  Specifically he asks “What is {YOUR} His name?’ what shall I say to them?” This question is one of eternals. I’m so glad he asked. Up till now no one has openly asked this question of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The awesome wonder is that God answered this question directly. “And God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.”

I AM. Hebrew, the language and sound Moses heard, Yahweh! Yah-Weh, say it slowly and lowly; Yaw-Weh, say it with reverence and a whisper. Can you hear the sound? Yah-Weh. Yah-Weh. Yah-Weh.

This is the sound of inhaling and exhaling. Breath! This is the sound of a heart-beat. Yah-Weh means to be, to exist, to have and cause life. Breath!

God says to us I am life! I am your life! I am your source! I am ENOUGH!

Do you have what it takes? Yes, because He says you do – BREATH!

Can you do this? Yes, because He says you can – Breath!  
So whatever you do please keep breathing.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Start 2014 Off Right!

Hello Campers!
Hope that you ended 2013 in a big way. We had kind of an emotional end to the year. But through it all running became my solace, my peace, and my diversion. I've taken to the streets more and extended my distances.
The new challenge for me as a novice runner is adapting to the colder temperatures. Layers have become extremely important to the run. Speed and increasing speed has given over to endurance and longer distances. Motivation is still high and guilt sets in whenever I even think about missing a schedule day to run.

This reminds me of how important it is at this time of year to practice our spiritual disciplines. We must keep moving both physically and spiritually. I wish to share with you these words  of encouragements.

Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.
Colossians 4:2 NLT

Charles Spurgeon wrote about the necessity of prayer in our lives this way. “We may be certain that whatever God has made prominent in his Word, he intended to be conspicuous in our lives. If he has said much about prayer, it is because he knows we have much need of it. So deep are our necessities, that until we are in heaven we must not cease to pray…Pray that this year thou mayst be holy, humble, zealous, and patient; have closer communion with Christ, and enter oftener into the banqueting-house of his love. Pray that thou mayst be an example and a blessing unto others, and that thou mayst live more to the glory of thy Master. The motto for this year must be, “Continue in prayer.”