The sun was out and hot. Legs struggled to get moving. Mind was activity in fondly recalling how cool and comfortable it was on the couch. But here I was again - summer training.
The more experience I gain in years of running and the years I have on the old body prove there are more times of getting back in shape than in staying at it. All this may come from injuries and incidents but most of it is from the sheer time commitment of life itself. But getting back in shape is worth it.
Reminds me that our spiritual life is a process as well. We trail through peaks and valleys. We have
times that we are battling through difficult situations, harmful memories of the past, and outright spiritual battles. It is worth it all to keep pushing forward.
Helpful in days like these to remember that there have always been days like these. Our struggles are being accompanied by other Christian family around the world too. In these days we press on because the one who is in us is greater than the one who is in the world. These times teach us to depend on HIM.
So, Let's get back in shape!
800 warm up, ballistic dynamic stretch, 2 miles, 2 stairs (yea I know I am embarrassed only 2 times), 800 cool down, core burn, long stretch.

Reminds me that our spiritual life is a process as well. We trail through peaks and valleys. We have
times that we are battling through difficult situations, harmful memories of the past, and outright spiritual battles. It is worth it all to keep pushing forward.
Helpful in days like these to remember that there have always been days like these. Our struggles are being accompanied by other Christian family around the world too. In these days we press on because the one who is in us is greater than the one who is in the world. These times teach us to depend on HIM.
So, Let's get back in shape!
800 warm up, ballistic dynamic stretch, 2 miles, 2 stairs (yea I know I am embarrassed only 2 times), 800 cool down, core burn, long stretch.