Monday, June 26, 2017

Oh the Adjustments

So today I took an old route with a new twist. Fun thing was that it was actually fresh for me. The route included some varied hills and I added some extra set of stadium steps. Really to be honest I did not wish to run the hills or the steps. But even though I wished and wished the hills just would not go away. I had to adjust myself to the hills cause they sure would not adjust for me.

There are times that we find our selves on a difficult hill. That hill we find could be the Word of God.  You may find that you do not necessarily agree in function or lifestyle with the Bible. Trouble is that the Bible is the truth and God's instruction indeed and last time I checked the TRUTH will not change. So when I am at odds with the Word of God I must do the changing. Yes, I must make the adjustments of my life to come in line with God.  By the way the word we are looking for is repent. 

Acts 2:38 Peter replied, "Each of you must repent of your sins and turn to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."  

Acts 3:19 Now repent of your sins and tune to God, so that your sins may be wiped away. 
Workout: 6 mile on the street, 4 sets of stadium stairs, 500 meter repeats between each, core, stretch, and hydration. 

Saturday, June 24, 2017

What you wearing on rainy days?

Several years ago I added to my wardrobe all possible items to remove excuses from running. Today as I was heading out there was a great possibility of rain (again-thank the Lord). So, I grabbed the bright green rain pullover that's perfect for days like today. Do you know what happens inside a rain pullover on a humid day (when it only sprinkles on you)?

So as the mental gripes were pouring like sweat inside the pullover the bottom dropped out. Yes sir, the rain poured down and all of a sudden I felt like genius in green. All this made me consider what we are wearing when we go out in the world. As a Christ follower there is a good chance I am walking into things I better be prepared for in my life.

  • Galatians 3:27 And all who have been united with Christ in baptism have put on Christ, life putting on new clothes.
  • Ephesians 6:13 Therefore, put on every piece of God's armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm.

So, daily I must put on Christ Jesus. This is a matter of presenting myself to Him everyday to be fully surrendered to Him in order to be fully equipped for the day.

Workout: 6 miles (road work and then track), 10 sets of stadium stairs, core, stretch, and towel off.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Heat Faster Than The Feet

Excuses can hit us all and may even come from experiences. I have gotten too hot before and do not particularly enjoy it. Getting a late start this morning to the run (but the only non torrential rain moment) the potential of being too hot was real. And it was true the heat was faster than my feet. Even though there was an excuse based on experience I was more able than I thought to handle the heat.

We can make excuses for all sorts of things based on experiences. Some of the time our experiences do not factor in all that's at work in our life. Reminds me of Elijah that was hit hard with the reality that the heat of evil was faster than his feet. (read 1 Kings 19:2). He pleaded with Jehovah El Shaddai to take him out, remove him completely, all on the basis that he was all alone and the heat was too much.

Amazing how we can feel the heat, feel alone, and wish to give up. Then Jesus directs us, lays down a plan, and reminds us we are not alone. Trouble is many times He directs right back into the heat - 1 Kings 19: 15 - 18 Then the Lord told him, "Go BACK the SAME WAY you came...when you arrive there, anoint Hazael...anoint Jehu...anoint Elisha...Yet I will PRESERVE 7,000 others in Israel who have never bowed down to Baal or kissed him!" 

Ok now so your excuse is based in experience but have you factored in Jesus?

Workout: 5 miles (sprinted the hills up - jogged the hills down) core, flex, and yes I was alone. 

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Heat Sneaks Up The Thirst

Well I've been running very early in the morning to avoid the heat of the day. Last night to break in
the new shoes I went for a run and it was a little hot. This morning the cool felt great while heading out and then wow it got hot fast. The heat and maybe the potential dehydration of last night really poured the thirst on fast.

Heat in our life can sneak up on us quick too. Pressure, stresses, disappointments, and discouragements can bring the heat. While we are experiencing these things those of us who are Christ followers can get a thirst for the presence of the Lord. This is a good place for those of us with faith because we have confidence that we can cry out to him and he will answer us. Consider the emotions of the psalmist who wrote, "I lift my hands to you in prayer. I thirst for you as parched land thirsts for rain. Selah." (Ps 143:6)

Wisely today I turned toward home and received the help of hydration. Wise is the person who turns toward the Lord today and receives spiritual hydration from Him.

Workout: Warm up, ballistics, 5 miles slow run, core, stretch, lots of water and some great grapes.    

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Saying Goodbye to Some Old Friends

Well it happened I had to say goodbye today. Actually, I have needed to say adios for a while now but could not bring myself to do it. When I got serious about running the first thing was to purchase a well researched pair of running shoes. Running shoes have a millage limit based on your running style. Today was the day I gave in and bought some new shoes.

Two old friends, used on a rotation basis, were retired this afternoon. They have been with me in the sun, rain, mud, and at least once in the snow and ice. They are split, torn, soles slanted and worn out. BUT they still fit! Yet they had to go and my feet and knees now are singing the praises of the new pair.

You know I have to go spiritual on you for a minute now.  If you are a Christ follower your old life has no place hanging around any longer. The old life is split, torn, soles slanted and worn out. Sure the old life feels like it still fits - but it really does not and is doing damage to you. You are a new creation in Christ. Yes, the new life has begun and it is so much better than anything you could image.

2 Corinthians 5: 17-18 This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun. and all of this is a gift from God, who brought us back to himself through Christ. And God has given us this task of reconciling people to him. 

So say good bye to the old life and embrace fully the new.

Workout: warm up, short run in the heat 3 miles, core, stretch and re-hydrate.  Love the new shoes - Brooks Ghost 9 (third pair of Brooks brand 2nd pair of Ghost - I'm hooked) 

Monday, June 12, 2017

Reset and Restore (more than you think)

Some of you know that I am a fan of using my juicer! Every quarter I go through a major juice cleanse for my body to reset itself and restore a good balance. While doing this I have discovered the challenge of also restoring pace to my running. But its is necessary to eliminate some of the bad stuff and habits that I have formed.

These times also help me to establish some new patterns in my spiritual life as well. While doing this I try to chose a spiritual focus to concentrate upon.  My focus came on my run today in connection with a quote I did not use in my sermon yesterday (it did not fit sermon after all). Restoration of friendships is an essential piece of my Christian walk.

Here's the quote:

Instead of focusing on a person's past, look at how far he's come.
My juicing, weight, running patterns, and overall spiritual life needs to be well maintained. Time and again we all get out of balance. Some of those times involve others. I was reminded today that there have been times we have all judged someone solely on their past and have not considered the work of grace that Jesus has accomplished in their lives.

Paul restored a valuable friendship and may have encouraged a younger man in the process to pursue great things for God's kingdom. "Only Luke is with me. Get Mark and bring him with you, because he is helpful to me in my ministry." (2 Timothy 4:11).

I am sure that I don't wish to be judged on my past but on how far I have come with the help from the Lord Jesus. How about you?

Workout: Warm up, ballistics, 5 miles, cool down...

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Little Things Bring Improvement

There is one little thing that made all the difference today in the run. It was my posture. As a recreational runner I do read articles about improving my times, distances, and work outs. Posture comes up over and over again. Please understand I am no expert just one who has tried to improve.

Struggling through the run today the thought hit me that I was not running with good posture.
Shoulders needed to be back, head up, relax arms and keep focused on my breathing and pace. Funny thing is that this actually helped me improve the run.

Spiritually we have a posture too. Biblically there are three postures for prayer. The word mentions bowing prostrate, kneeling, and standing in the presence of the Lord.  In all these occasions it is not the position of the body that counts but the posture of the spirit. We are to come humbly before the Lord. This is our real posture. This little adjustment will make a great deal of difference. So, "Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up in honor. James 4:10.

Workout: ballistics warm up, 5 miles (sprinted the hills - if you could call it sprinting), cool down mile, stretch.

OH YEAH - If you sit with good posture properly you will burn an extra couple of calories.