the new shoes I went for a run and it was a little hot. This morning the cool felt great while heading out and then wow it got hot fast. The heat and maybe the potential dehydration of last night really poured the thirst on fast.
Heat in our life can sneak up on us quick too. Pressure, stresses, disappointments, and discouragements can bring the heat. While we are experiencing these things those of us who are Christ followers can get a thirst for the presence of the Lord. This is a good place for those of us with faith because we have confidence that we can cry out to him and he will answer us. Consider the emotions of the psalmist who wrote, "I lift my hands to you in prayer. I thirst for you as parched land thirsts for rain. Selah." (Ps 143:6)
Wisely today I turned toward home and received the help of hydration. Wise is the person who turns toward the Lord today and receives spiritual hydration from Him.
Workout: Warm up, ballistics, 5 miles slow run, core, stretch, lots of water and some great grapes.
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