Since this is my first week blogging about all this some may think that this is a normal workout week for old Coach N. Truth is that I have had to build up to this pace. In fact, my plans are to work even harder and build up to another level of training. Just a few months ago I was walking the distances not running. Little by little I keep starting where I am physically and pushing to where I want to be.
Today a good friend of mine named Brian, who has been walking, was at the track at the same time as me. He is doing great! He has built up a great pace. A couple of times he has mentioned that he might not could run with me, but he is moving that way. I saw him stretch out and run for a lap or two today. It's cool cause we are not comparing ourselves to one another we know where we are and push from there.
Reminds me a little of a man that Jesus healed. Actually, Jesus cast out a whole lot of demons from him. Talk about a radical cleansing! When Jesus was leaving that area the dude wanted to go with him. But Jesus said, "Go home to your friends, and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He has had compassion on you." (Mark 5:19). Yes, you read that right - go back to where you are start there and let them know all that Jesus has done for you.
Don't compare your results to someone else's.
You can never
be another person, you can only be a better version of yourself.