Monday, May 27, 2013

Get Moving & Go Places

Hebrews 11:8 is my new life verse. I've shortened it down for you a bit and I hope you see the little humor in it. It was by faith that Abraham obeyed...He went without knowing where he was going

I love that last part - He went without knowing where he was going. There is something powerful about a man that is willing to launch out when God says launch and he has no idea where he will wind up. All he knows is that Father says hit the track so he hits the track! No discussions, no committee meetings, he doesn't have to have it all figured out - he just hits the track.

Today, was one of those days to hit the track. I took two days off to recover from a brutal workout Friday. (yea, I know yesterday was long - preached 3 times and did a wedding - but no running). I had no idea what I was going to do today - kind of like Abraham.

I knew I would warm up. Ballistics, light stretch, small sprints and chugged some water. Hit the timer and off for the first mile. The day on the track held me to 3 miles. Then it was time for stadium stairs and bleacher work.  My son Carson talked me into adding a jump-hop for the last two sets of stairs a couple of days ago so I put that in.

After some time to recover I added in 4 sets of gassers. I've asked our middle school football athletes to do this so I thought, "Let's see if the Old Coach can do it." I survived. Then onto my core work and stretches to finish up. All in all a good way to begin the week.

Cool thing today was that I got to see some friends who have begun working too. I am so proud of them! They are pushing themselves and really worked hard. The coolest thing to me is that they could have been on the couch or simply doing nothing. But they were out there - kicking it hard - pushing themselves

I bet there were times that Abraham wanted to give up. I bet he started some weeks having no idea what all he would get into or who he'd run into. This one thing we know he did not stop! He kept pushing no matter how hard life got, no matter the set backs, no matter the heat. 

Get after it my friends!

It does not matter how many times you get knocked down, but how many times you get up. -Vince Lombardi

1 comment:

  1. I'm proud of you my friend and at times my mentor. I didn't spend the morning on the track, but I did spend the morning doing some hard work in the yard. The passage you shared is profound. So many times we don't start because we just don't know where to start. We will find if we have faith and just jump in God will guide and protect our path and make sure we end up where he wants us. Thank you for taking the time to share. You do inspire Sir.
