Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Game is Won Days Ahead!

Football is gearing up for us right now. We reminded the boys yesterday that the game is won before we play it. In fact, the game is won days ahead of time. It is the work we put into the practice that pays off in the game. Some people simply take "plays" off and short cut themselves. In a team sport that can cost your family the game.

Spiritual matters are the same way my friends. We must train everyday to stay sharp and fresh so that in the day of battle we are ready to win. Are you staying sharp spiritually? Are you spending fresh moments in the Word and in prayer? Or are you taking "plays" off?

This morning I read this great proverb and it can apply to your situation (and football): "Those too lazy to plow in the right season will have no food at the harvest."  Proverbs 20:4 NLT
(Those too lazy to do the drill will not win the game! Told you I could apply it to football)

Rundown: coached football 2 hours, Pilates class 1 hour, ballistics, ran 1 plus miles, stadium steps x 10)

Thursday, August 15, 2013

What's lacking?

Ouch! Have you ever been in the middle of a great workout and seemingly out of no where a cramp hits? This happened on Saturday during an awesome time of training. Amazingly, I never saw it coming. There was no warning at all. But this was totally avoidable.

This calf cramp hit me because of somethings that were lacking in my body. And my body made a choice to send me a clear message. Over the last couple of weeks my routine has changed and with that my intake of fluids and out put of sweat also. Because of increased activity and increased heat the sweat was rolling. However, even though I know better I was not replacing the sodium and potassium being depleted. My lack in Na and K (scientifically speaking) made me scream.

We must be careful when routines change. We must drink deep and keep filled with the oil of life, especially our spiritual life. Reminds me of what Paul prayed for a some people he loved. 1 Thessalonians 3:10 "night and day praying exceedingly that we may see your face and perfect what is lacking in your faith?"  We can get weak in the faith when we stop drinking in the Word and dipping into the Spirit.

So, let's perfect those things that are lacking in our lives. Drink plenty, fill up on the Sodium (Salt), and get some rest (in the Lord).

Rundown: Saturday - Ballistics, 4 miles, stadium x 20, core, 1 mile run...ouch walk home. Tuesday: Ballistics, coached 2 hours, 1 mile easy run. Wednesday: Ballistics, coached 1.5 hours, Mission service project, 1 mile quick run, Stadium x 10, 40 meter sprints x 4, 100 meter sprints x 2, 5 minute ab!!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Get more than you put in!

There is a new pathway in my life. Really surprises me since I am not now nor have I ever been a morning person. Priorities and timing have forced me to make a decision. Two days in a row now the alarm clock has sounded sometime in the 4 o'clock hour. Rolling out of bed and pulling on my running shoes and hit the track and street by 5 am.

There are some dedicated runners that have been doing this for years. You understand fully why someone would push themselves to this point. This is discipline. This may develop into dedication or delusion. Anything worth while requires you to discipline yourself, work hard, and sometimes rise at strange times to accomplish your goals.

I understand a little better this morning what the Psalmist was talking about in Psalm 126: 6. "He who continually goes forth weeping, Bearing seed for sowing, Shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, Bringing his sheaves [with him]." You will harvest what you plant. Many times you will do the hard work in tears of planting so that you can enjoy the harvest.

Do the hard work today! Work hard to plant in all your relationships what will bring joy in the harvest. This will include honesty, passion, love, and trust. When these seeds are full grown you will have joy in your relationships.

(Rundown: 4 miles on the road, lower core 6 min, and time of prayer with some awesome men!)

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Are you ready for battle?

We had the fun this morning of pulling all the middle school football players together for our team photo today. Always exciting to line these boys up according to their numbers and get them ready. They looked great! 

The big question came up from one of the players. Then the debate was sparked. I have no idea what the team decided. All this will be a surprise to me when the pictures come back. One of the boys asked loudly, "Do we smile?" 

It hit me that these young athletes in some sense know they are preparing for battle. Sure the battle is brief with limited time periods and officials and rules to maintain order. But it is a battle none the less. 

As a believer I am in a battle every day! This needs to be reminded to us. Reminds me of something Piper writes that prayer is...

A Wartime Walkie-Talkie, Not a Domestic Intercom. Prayer is the walkie-talkie on the battlefield of the world. It calls on God for courage (Ephesians 6:19). It calls in for troop deployment and target location (Acts 13:1, 2, 3). It calls in for protection and air cover (Matthew 6:13; Luke 21:36). It calls in for firepower to blast open a way for the Word (Colossians 4:3). It calls in for the miracle of healing for the wounded soldiers (James 5:16). It calls in for supplies for the forces (Matthew 6:11; Philippians 4:6). And it calls in for needed reinforcements (Matthew 9:38). This is the place of prayer—on the battlefield of the world. It is a wartime walkie-talkie for spiritual warfare, not a domestic intercom to increase the comforts of the saints. And one of the reasons it malfunctions in the hands of so many Christian soldiers is that they have gone AWOL. (Piper, J. The Pleasures of God: Meditations on God's delight in Being God. Page 343-372. Sisters, Or.: Multnomah Publishers)

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Listen, Hear, and Do

Who do you listen to? Some people don't listen to anyone cause they have it all figured out. Some half listen cause they really don't have an interest in hearing. Some have ears that are ready to listen, learn, and practice new truths.

My prayer is that I will ever be willing to learn. This comes from developing an attitude of listening. I've been listening to some encouraging trainers lately. In fact, they have encouraged me to stretch my self. The results have been wonderful but the work challenging.

Reminds me of this Proverb on the benefit of listening to the Lord. But all who listen to me will live in peace, untroubled by fear of harm. Proverbs 1:33. Now friends that is a good plan to follow.

(Rundown: Ballistics, 2 mile run, stadium x 5, new core for middle & lower abs: 6 minute killer deal!!) In the mix had two great conversations with a new set of friends and an old dear friend. Blessed day!