Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Get more than you put in!

There is a new pathway in my life. Really surprises me since I am not now nor have I ever been a morning person. Priorities and timing have forced me to make a decision. Two days in a row now the alarm clock has sounded sometime in the 4 o'clock hour. Rolling out of bed and pulling on my running shoes and hit the track and street by 5 am.

There are some dedicated runners that have been doing this for years. You understand fully why someone would push themselves to this point. This is discipline. This may develop into dedication or delusion. Anything worth while requires you to discipline yourself, work hard, and sometimes rise at strange times to accomplish your goals.

I understand a little better this morning what the Psalmist was talking about in Psalm 126: 6. "He who continually goes forth weeping, Bearing seed for sowing, Shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, Bringing his sheaves [with him]." You will harvest what you plant. Many times you will do the hard work in tears of planting so that you can enjoy the harvest.

Do the hard work today! Work hard to plant in all your relationships what will bring joy in the harvest. This will include honesty, passion, love, and trust. When these seeds are full grown you will have joy in your relationships.

(Rundown: 4 miles on the road, lower core 6 min, and time of prayer with some awesome men!)

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