Thursday, August 15, 2013

What's lacking?

Ouch! Have you ever been in the middle of a great workout and seemingly out of no where a cramp hits? This happened on Saturday during an awesome time of training. Amazingly, I never saw it coming. There was no warning at all. But this was totally avoidable.

This calf cramp hit me because of somethings that were lacking in my body. And my body made a choice to send me a clear message. Over the last couple of weeks my routine has changed and with that my intake of fluids and out put of sweat also. Because of increased activity and increased heat the sweat was rolling. However, even though I know better I was not replacing the sodium and potassium being depleted. My lack in Na and K (scientifically speaking) made me scream.

We must be careful when routines change. We must drink deep and keep filled with the oil of life, especially our spiritual life. Reminds me of what Paul prayed for a some people he loved. 1 Thessalonians 3:10 "night and day praying exceedingly that we may see your face and perfect what is lacking in your faith?"  We can get weak in the faith when we stop drinking in the Word and dipping into the Spirit.

So, let's perfect those things that are lacking in our lives. Drink plenty, fill up on the Sodium (Salt), and get some rest (in the Lord).

Rundown: Saturday - Ballistics, 4 miles, stadium x 20, core, 1 mile run...ouch walk home. Tuesday: Ballistics, coached 2 hours, 1 mile easy run. Wednesday: Ballistics, coached 1.5 hours, Mission service project, 1 mile quick run, Stadium x 10, 40 meter sprints x 4, 100 meter sprints x 2, 5 minute ab!!

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