Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Rainy Days Offer Blessings

As a small boy I was not fond of rainy days. Rainy days kept me from outside activities. Millennial generation that is what we did cause we only had 3 TV channels, no text messaging, no google, and only Pong computer game (image below).  So rain messed us up!

Rainy days now to me are a sweet blessing. Sure the vegetation is being watered and the pollen is being knocked down, but there is something great about running in the rain. The cool breezes, calm gentle drips of cold water, and the slap my big feet on wet pavement amazes me. We need refreshing from time to time. Rainy day running offers me the blessing of a refreshing.

Our spiritual lives need refreshing too. Amazingly every time that we need refreshing He is there to bring them to us. Jehovah promised that He would be our refreshing - Hosea 14: 6 "I will be to Israel like a refreshing dew from heaven. Israel will blossom like the lily; it will send roots deep into the soil like the cedars in Lebanon."  And the pathway to the greatest refreshing of all is found by turning to him. Acts 3:19 "Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord,"

Turn to Him today for your refreshing!

Workout: Warm up, ballistics stretch, 5 miles (more of a traffic route today - thanks for all you who weaved around me in the bright yellow shirt - and open your eyes to the young lady that made me jump into the weeds!!) core and stretch! Drenched with sweet sweat and rain.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Unexpected Detours

The morning's run was going well. On my particular path today I crossed railroad tracks on four different occasions. These are near a switching area and usually there are train cars awaiting a hook up. Today while making my way back to cross over some big engines had rolled to a stop. I was thinking "just turn around and add some extra miles." As I approached as if opening the automatic doors they roared to life and rolled away. Great timing.

35 minutes later tired and ready to be completed on my final approach home I was pushing it. Oh yeah, I was rolling at a good clip for me (round a 6 min pace). Winded and muscle aching I visioned making the turn, crossing the tracks and heading the last bit to the house. When I saw that the train had moved and was now stopped across that section of track. I was blocked. No way around and I had made a commitment to not stop till I got home.

There are times in life that we run into unexpected detours. Detours and delays are not always bad things for us spiritually. Truthfully, many detours are Jehovah's way of directing our path for his purposes. Think about Paul's plans to preach in Asia and the Lord put a road block up. Acts 16:6... the Holy Spirit had prevented them from preaching the word in the province of Asia at that time. (You can read the whole context and see what happened Paul's Unexpected Detour)

These detours give us time to see God in action. Sure they can take longer than we had planned. but last time I checked we are on His time table not our own.

Workout: Warm up, ballistics, 6.3 miles, stretch - in the detour I got to see some baby turtles on their morning run. 

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Struggle is Real - Memorial Day

Memorial day weekend rushes back memories of family gatherings, barbecue, and Brunswick stew. These were good days that have translated into new family traditions. We must do some things to remember those who served and sacrificed for us to enjoy these times.

We remember those who paid the price in the struggle for freedom. Miles away from family, hard days and dark nights staying ready to defend. Sometimes in trouble some moments in erie silence. But always prepared to take on any trouble with courage.
Matthew 14: 24.  Meanwhile, the disciples were in trouble far away from land, for a strong wind had risen, and they were fighting heavy waves.

Thankyou will never be strong enough a word to provide for our patriots, patloon leaders, and foot soldiers who gave so much for our freedom. May I suggest that we offer an elevation of our character. We need to Be (1) Honest & Humble; (2) Dedicated & Dependable

Being these requires being available to the one who DIED for our sins, Jesus Christ. Because in our selves we cannot and must admit that we can’t BE these without him. When we admit we can’t He admits that He can!  Matthew 14:27 b “Take courage. I am here!”

Training: 6 miles, core work and stretch. Goal is 235 miles during summer break. 32 miles in right now.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Runner's High

Well, it finally happened again. Yes sir, hit that runner's high around mile 5 today. A couple of cool things were going on today in the run. Namely there was no time limit to my run today. This doesn't happen often but when it does it is the first of the highs. My mind still doesn't understand how you can hit that euphoria while pushing hard running on the road.

When the excitement of the run hit me it brought to mind our spiritual lives. Spiritual highs take some effort to arrive at as well. Similarly these spiritual highs come during times of great effort. One of my spiritual highs came about 10 years ago when a friend introduced me to the writings of Major Ian Thomas. The Indwelling Life of Christ has helped me interpret these spiritual highs and lows. The everyday can become as filled with the "highs" as much as the spiritual mountain tops. My strength is inadequate but Jesus is completely adequate. My part is to be available and dependent upon him. When I admit I can't He always can there is the spiritual high of life.

Today on the run in the country I spotted deer, rabbits, a fox, some sort of big cat (panther kitten), and the evidence of a skunk. Good day - summer running started off right.
I suggest Indwelling Life of Christ