Friday, May 26, 2017

Runner's High

Well, it finally happened again. Yes sir, hit that runner's high around mile 5 today. A couple of cool things were going on today in the run. Namely there was no time limit to my run today. This doesn't happen often but when it does it is the first of the highs. My mind still doesn't understand how you can hit that euphoria while pushing hard running on the road.

When the excitement of the run hit me it brought to mind our spiritual lives. Spiritual highs take some effort to arrive at as well. Similarly these spiritual highs come during times of great effort. One of my spiritual highs came about 10 years ago when a friend introduced me to the writings of Major Ian Thomas. The Indwelling Life of Christ has helped me interpret these spiritual highs and lows. The everyday can become as filled with the "highs" as much as the spiritual mountain tops. My strength is inadequate but Jesus is completely adequate. My part is to be available and dependent upon him. When I admit I can't He always can there is the spiritual high of life.

Today on the run in the country I spotted deer, rabbits, a fox, some sort of big cat (panther kitten), and the evidence of a skunk. Good day - summer running started off right.
I suggest Indwelling Life of Christ

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