We remember those who paid the price in the struggle for freedom. Miles away from family, hard days and dark nights staying ready to defend. Sometimes in trouble some moments in erie silence. But always prepared to take on any trouble with courage.
Matthew 14: 24. Meanwhile, the disciples were in trouble far away from land, for a strong wind had risen, and they were fighting heavy waves.
Thankyou will never be strong enough a word to provide for our patriots, patloon leaders, and foot soldiers who gave so much for our freedom. May I suggest that we offer an elevation of our character. We need to Be (1) Honest & Humble; (2) Dedicated & Dependable
Being these requires being available to the one who DIED for our sins, Jesus Christ. Because in our selves we cannot and must admit that we can’t BE these without him. When we admit we can’t He admits that He can! Matthew 14:27 b “Take courage. I am here!”
Training: 6 miles, core work and stretch. Goal is 235 miles during summer break. 32 miles in right now.
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