Friday, July 10, 2015

Train Wreck Work Out

Every once in a while I will own this truth - some days are just train wrecks. You show up with great plans and you feel great. You have a good attitude and your close even match. Then you get going and it all falls apart. I mean the wheels fall off, the train wrecks, you crash and burn.

There can be a lot of reasons for the tough surprise. The heat, dehydration, lack of rest, or even lack of proper nutritional fuel. So, then you dig in a little deeper. Start trying to find the next level from where you are and crawl back out and around. You just simply keep moving. There is always more in us than we think.

Reminds me of the struggles we can encounter in our spiritual journey. It seems all is great then all of a sudden a spiritual train wreck, we get knocked for a loop. We don't give up or give in no we strain ahead toward the calling of Jesus in our lives.

"Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid of me."
Phil 3:12 

Today: warm up, dynamic stretch, 3 miles, train wreck.... attempt at 50/50 spirit shuffle drill x 3 = 2 miles, stretch.

Here's a shot of a few of the boys who worked so hard with me this summer - This is a proud Coach! Heart is so Full!

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