Saturday, June 13, 2015

Adventures in Country Running

I love to run. Those words are a shock to me. Truly, not too long ago my statement would be the opposite. But there is a thrill in every run for me. Especially when my run includes the country roads near my home.

These roads around here are great. You actually have a light traffic, great scenic views, variations of hills for resistance, and the occasional remarkable joys. Those joys include the sweet wild life country roads afford. My eyes have delighted in the small deer, squirrels, rabbit, occasional foxes and coyotes from a distance. I didn't mention the snakes I've seen cause some of you would freak out.

Today was a recovery run of sorts. Just a nice slow run on a road I've been considering turning up. It was great, although the incline was a bit more than I expected. Then the adventures took a great and epic turn. Bark! Bark! Bark!

A couple of old dogs were disturbed from their front porch by me. It wasn't the big dog that bothered me. Actually he seemed friendly almost like he wished to continue my pace. It was his little friend that barked not a sound just bristled and snarled that gave me repentance.

As I turned from their road and returned my vision lost sight of them. Indeed they were behind me. My hope was that they would stop at the property line.  If not I would need a bit of a miracle not to be bit.

Reminds me of walking this adventure of the Christian life. We are directed to take roads not well traveled. Some occasions we run into dangerous challenges.
I am reminded that we have one who not only goes before us but He is also our guard from behind. Thank you Lord for your ability to protect your children.

For you shall not go out with haste,
Nor go by flight;
For the LORD will go before you,
And the God of Israel will be your rear guard. 
Isaiah 52:12

Today: 3.30 miles, small heart attack, and stretch. 

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