Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Humid and Humble

Early this morning as I awoke the sounds of the thunderstorm was shaking the
house. We have a tin roof and the rain drumming out the cadence of the day was mesmerizing. Running in the rain is great but running in a thunderstorm is not very smart.

The storm lifted and out we went. You have already guessed what the morning was like by my title; a bit humid. We also ventured out a little later in the morning and the heat was beginning to rise. Yesterday's great times were replaced by a slower pace and little struggle. Humbled by the situations of heat and humidity we pushed on to complete the workout.

I keep saying we because my daughter had a rare day off and went with me. It was fun working with her. In fact, having her out there pushed me to go a little father.

This reminded me of what the Scripture says, "Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up." James 4:10. In those times that you chose to submit to the humbling be prepared for the Father to lift you up. He does it every time.

Do you need to be lifted up today? Simple - humble yourself in His presence.

Today: warm up, dynamic stretch, 3.3 miles, mile of interval training. skipped core!! And Stretched.  

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