Friday, June 14, 2013

Cross Training

Happy Friday to ya'll! Today was a cross training day and it was amazing. Here's the rundown: ballistics, mile, 2 miles at every 100 meters alternated push up varieties, and intense core, stadium steps x 10, & 100 meter sprints x 5. Then a good stretch for a cool down.

Cross training is good for you to keep your muscles strong and guessing. I'm certainly no expert on this however, I know that some times you can get bored with your workout and need to change the pace. Cross training is a great change of pace and keeps you motivated to keep moving and building.

I have a feeling that sometimes our spiritual life appears to be boring. In fact, that is actual an indication that we have fallen in a rut and need a revival. But we have to stretch our spiritual muscles too. So go out there and a have a conversation with someone about the Bible. Launch out and find a way to serve someone in the Name of Jesus - you know do something that you expect nothing in return. Practice a little cross training - put feet to your faith!

But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” 
Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. 
James 2:18

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